The Shinbone

The frontier of the free press

>>established July 24, 1999<<

"Courage can be purchased at yon tavern!" -- The honorable Dutton Peabody, Esq.


Daniel Clark -- founder, owner, editor, and he also sweeps out the place

Welcome to The Shinbone, an online news publication which I hope you will soon come to trust and enjoy.

*The latest column* by the editor of The Shinbone is How Many Others?, in which he wonders why everybody who professes to care about women is so incurious about how many have died from those "safer than Tylenol" abortion drugs.

The College Football Czar's week 8 picks are in!!! Remember to check back throughout the season, as The College Football Czar publishes his weekly picks. To learn more about the Czar and his mission, please consult his Ground Rules. If you love college football, but not the liberal twaddle that constantly gets in its way, then you'll surely appreciate the Czar's insights, and want to share them with your friends.

From the archives: It has started. A Georgia woman has been killed by abortion drugs she obtained in North Carolina, only to have her death fraudulently blamed on the pro-life laws in her home state. Of course, you already knew to expect this if you have read Butchery By Mail: Sacrificing women as a tactic (5/7/23). With Election Day so rapidly approaching, can we finally get answers to a few of these?: Orange You Curious: Policy questions Trump should have to answer (12/30/22). No offense, but if you're among those who have been celebrating Tulsi Gabbard's endorsement of Donald Trump, what in the world is the matter with you?: Not Ready For Tulsi Time: CPAC should just pac it in (3/1/22).

For an overview of the mission of this website, please read The Shinbone Manifesto.

The Shinbone presents a comic strip called Politimals -- in which politicians let their animal instincts get the best of them. In Politimals, the two major parties fight it out like cats and dogs, which they are (as the Democats and Repuppicans, respectively). They are joined by anarchists (bats), self-described independents (sheep), political consultants and pollsters (weasels and squirrels), and whatever other critters happen along.

* The Shinbone does its part to save the planet, by issuing this warning to Stop Accelerated Density, Now!

To look up previous Shinbone columns, go to the Archives at the bottom of this page, or search by topic by going to the Issue Index.

If you like what you have seen here at The Shinbone, please tell as many people as possible where you found it. Thank you.


Shinbone Archives

How Many Others?: Abortion pills don't only kill in Georgia (10/13/24)

Kamala's Got A Gun: So yours must be safe then, right? (9/22/24)

Joyks: Is anyone buying the Democrats' happy talk? (8/28/24)

Running From Life: The folly of taking issues off the table (7/21/24)

Turkey Jive: I before E and sometimes Y. Not. (6/23/24)

The "Purist" Put-Down: A weak excuse for ruining sports (6/14/24)

Oh, Woe Is Sotomayor: Here's wishing many unhappy returns (6/2/24)

Extremities: Are Democrats for tearing babies' legs off? (5/19/24)

Cold, Old Joe: Age can't explain Biden's callousness (5/5/24)

Insignificance Vs. Ego: The eclipse and the "climate change" narrative (4/22/24)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Shrinkflation, the real RINOs, no to normalcy, etc. (3/30/24)

Sorry, Dahlink: If Budapest is toothless, then so is Article 5 (3/11/24)

Tell 'Em Tucker: More things that are better in Russia than over here (2/29/24)

Doo Dar! Doo Dar!: Woke take on Blazing Saddles is beyond stupid (2/15/24)

Death Before Disability: About those women's health exceptions (1/30/24)

Michelle Means It: Don't let Mrs. O "do everything for us" (1/17/24)

Bubba's Bursting Bubbles: Hope is not a foreign policy (12/26/23)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Mail-in voting, Satanists, neocons, etc. (11/29/23)

Exhibit Eh: The Canadian govt becomes a serial killer (10/30/23)

Insanity Vs. Insincerity: Eco-kooks expose the eco-phonies (9/30/23)

Haley's Comment: Nikki's debate answer slanders pro-lifers (8/28/23)

Tucker Loves Tate: Hardball interviewer plays the stooge (7/30/23)

End The "Ending" Of Wars: Outcomes matter, after all (7/19/23)

Let's Get Ethical: Screening the Supreme Court for corruption (6/28/23)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Brains on drugs, atheists & aliens, preppers, etc. (6/17/23)

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (5/21/23)

Butchery By Mail: Sacrificing women as a tactic (5/7/23)

How Not To Pretend To Kill Babies (4/23/23)

Iraqi Invasion at 20: The "forever war" that wasn't (4/4/23)

Or Else What?: No, Trump did not deter the Russians (3/4/23)

Counterpouncing: Framing the reaction as the real story (2/18/23)

Truth Vs. Power: Punishment for thoughtcrimes has begun (1/31/23)

Dots, You And I: How global greenies view humanity (1/14/23)

Orange You Curious?: Policy questions Trump should have to answer (12/30/22)

Herschel And Hypocrisy: What's his alleged offense, really? (10/14/22)

Hillary The Healer?: HRC belatedly damns division (9/30/22)

The Pigs For Choice Club: Inductee O.J. fits right in (7/22/22)

No Minor Omission: What the Ohio abortion story left out (7/4/22)

Robed And Unmasked: Dobbs dissent disdains the Constitution (7/1/22)

Common? C'mon!: McConaughey offers tired liberal gun cliches (6/12/22)

Empire-ical Evidence: Was the USSR evil yet? (5/26/22)

Nothing To See Here: Abortion is shielded by its own horror (4/30/22)

Senseless Consensus: Truth is not up for a vote (3/31/22)

Not Ready For Tulsi Time: CPAC should just pac it in (3/1/22)

Cold-Blooded Biden: Empathy, not inflation, is transitory (2/15/22)

Wisdom That Wasn't: Turns out, Afghans don't love oppression (1/31/22)

Tariff Man II: Trump policy shields Biden from blame (12/29/21)

So You Say You Oppose Speech Codes (11/15/21)

Abortion Vs. English: Libs do to language what they do to the unborn (10/12/21)

Unserious Condition: Trump's timid Taliban deal (9/3/21)

Taliban Tools: We're all Ilhan Omar now (7/26/21)

Soupy "Suppression": Dems redefine yet another word (6/30/21)

Roh-Roe: Libs would regret codifying Roe v. Wade (6/3/21)

Absolute Nonsense: Biden's Bill of Rights is arbitrary (5/11/21)

Kristi In Crisis: But what if Trump had done it? (4/20/21)

AUMF Repeal Is FUBAR: Congress cannot un-declare war (3/31/21)

Twin Killing?: Getting to the root, root, root of all evil (3/10/21)

Blue Meanies: Dems deliberately inflict economic harm (2/15/21)

Discomfort Food For Thought: Uncomfortable conversations we don't have (1/30/21)

It's Alive!: Is the Constitution making a comeback? (1/18/21)

Fuller, For What?: Vandy kicking stunt accomplishes nothing (11/30/20)

Libsplaining: What those "We Believe" yard signs really mean (10/30/20)

Pittsburgh Panderers: Rooney family can't undo the past (9/30/20)

No, Mrs. O: Dissenting from your ideology is not racist (8/18/20)

Starring Anthony Fauci As Lonesome Rhodes (7/25/20)

15 Yards For Hijacking: The NFL is Antifa now (6/30/20)

The Lowdown On Logan: A good law, used badly (5/31/20)

Mussolini Mini-Mes: You, too, can be a little dictator (5/15/20)

Danger Looms: Laura Loomer is just what America doesn't need (4/26/20)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Coronavirus edition (3/28/20)

Corrupt? Absolutely!: Trump loves those who lack ethics (2/27/20)

No. He. Isn't.: Trump dumps on pro-life predecessors (1/31/20)

I'm OK, You're Dead: Callousness is no defense for abortion (1/20/20)

Trump Tees Off: But how accurate is his scoring? (12/31/19)

Endless War Vs. Mindless Mantra: Will Trump throw in the towel? (11/23/19)

Planning UN-opolis: IPCC's property rights problem (10/21/19)

The Red And The Orange: Commies have got Trump's number (8/28/19)

Schooled: Our trust in God is in the Declaration (7/30/19)

Cup De Sgrace: No, the USWNT didn't win the World Cup (7/17/19)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Donald wobbles, But-I-Judge, soccer sexes (6/30/19)

Spot The Loony: Trump has a chin-wag with Prince Charles (6/19/19)

Where's The Winning?: Trump record is a dearth of W's (5/23/19)

Unplanned Vs. Untruthful: Abortion messaging in the movies (5/1/19)

What Can He Say?: PC police place a gag on Beto O'Rourke (4/17/19)

GOP Gets Gored: Political climate is what's changing (3/24/19)

Trigger Test: Are you a liberal, or do you have self-control? (2/21/19)

New York's Nobodies: "Not Me" pro-aborts strike again (1/30/19)

As Trump Turns, Republicans Follow (1/20/19)

Collins' Coup: Where was this speech a month earlier? (10/22/18)

Bullswoosh!: Kaepernick has not earned Nike $6B (9/30/18)

Guardians Of The Gridiron: Ways to un-ruin football (8/31/18)

Confu$ion: Does Trump understand how money works? (7/31/18)

Kagan Eat It Too: Stare decisis vs. living Constitution (7/12/18)

Borderline Insanity: Crisis confronts immigration fallacies (6/26/18)

Johnson Commutation Calls Libertarians' Bluff (6/14/18)

Seahawks WR Doug Baldwin: "An idiot, plain and simple" (5/31/18)

One Nation, Under Kim: Conquest remains the Norks' endgame (5/5/18)

Label Libby Innocent: Pardon is just, but does Trump know why? (4/23/18)

Munch Kin: Cannibalism becomes too familiar (3/30/18)

Russia's Ruse: If wonder missiles exist, why tell us? (3/21/18)

"Sort-Of-A-Play-On" A Bigoted Ex-President (2/27/18)

Back Off For Yakov!: Parade idea sends slew of bad signals (2/13/18)

NAFTA Nohow: Has Trump walled himself in? (1/31/18)

Lamb's Lame Excuses: PA pol fails to justify abortion (1/18/18)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Pigs for Choice, Barkley's bull, quotables, etc. (12/30/17

Abridge Suspension: USA-haters have special status (11/13/17)

No Way, Jose: We don't need no stinking accent marks (10/25/17)

Lighten Up, Francis: The Pope's grim, anti-human worldview (9/29/17)

No Gray Area: If Rebs were evil, isn't America good? (8/31/17)

Still Unforgiven, 25 Years Later (8/15/17)

Masculine, Tails I Lose: Liberal anti-man double talk (7/30/17)

Assumed News: The Times' pathetic excuse for slander (7/14/17)

"Heart" Trumps Reason: Donald is having Democrat flashbacks (6/30/17)

Pitt-Squeaker: Peduto's Paris pledge is pathetic (6/11/17)

Law, Not Orders: Trump edicts mean next to nothing (5/16/17)

Scientific Con Senseless: If marchers said what they really think (5/1/17)

Assad-Backward: Trump fumbles on Syria and Iraq (4/23/17)

Lesson Not Lahren-ed: Tomi's mindless pro-abortion mantra (3/30/17)

PETA Pucks: Penguin protest reveals group's ignorance (3/21/17)

Ruled Out: Obama bathroom edict had no basis in law (2/28/17)

Liberal Under-Standing: Left needs no relevance in court (2/13/17)

This Means Wall: Trump defines border, redefines terms (1/30/17)

WWOD?: Choice moments from the Obama presidency (1/11/17)

Court Jester: Has Trump fooled conservatives on judges? (12/6/16)

(D)-plorables: Hillary's hypocritical KKK charge (11/6/16)

In Us We Trust?: Kaine's phony abortion defense (10/17/16)

Hillary Lies Down: Diminution as electoral strategy (9/19/16)

So Long, Free Republic: It's been real, but not anymore (8/22/16)

Trump's Free Fall: Media made him, and they will destroy him (8/16/16)

Republicans, No More: Sir Thomas wouldn't fit in today's GOP (7/31/16)

Bernie's Truth Deficit: So much for Sanders' "Honesty" (7/17/16)

We're Evil! Get It?: Pro-abortion humor is lacking in irony (6/30/16)

Damning Dad: Father's Day Pledge is appalling (6/15/16)

Fishy Or Not, Vince Foster's death matters (5/31/16)

Flash Forward To Trump: A warning from a 70s rock opera (5/16/16)

Mister Rogers: American icon or hate criminal? (4/30/16)

Bernie's Bull: Socialism is the antonym of honesty (4/17/16)

These Colors, Don't Ruin: Team USA goes incognito (3/31/16)

Al-Afari And Away: Ignoring the Saddam-ISIS link (3/22/16)

Let Us Litmus: Judicial nominees must be held to standards (2/29/16)

What Would Scalia Say?: No reason Obama shouldn't appoint (2/14/16)

"We"-sel Words: Libs exempt selves from collective guilt (1/31/16)

Obama Seconds Holmes: Our rights don't just end somewhere (1/18/16)

Put Some ISIS On That: Mrs. Clinton assaults the truth (12/31/15)

Going "Concern": UCS is a corruption of science (11/30/15)

Smell The Bern: Sanders' odious deodorant remark (11/10/15)

Compassion Play: Pope Francis vs. Boris Yeltsin (10/11/15)

Dems' Ex-Machina: Clinton Machine was Bill's alone (9/22/15)

Just A Little Atrocity: PP's 3% excuse is psychotic (8/30/15)

Hardline To Swallow: Obama's causes are not common to us (8/16/15)

What If Planned Parenthood Was Law-Abiding? (7/29/15)

Not Just Cos: Take back William Fulbright's medal, too (7/15/15)

Ten Fold: Loopy Lew dumps founder for feminism (6/29/15)

Pedal Pusher: Peduto sets Pittsburgh on down cycle (6/8/15)

"What We Know Now": Iraq revisionism is not knowledge (5/27/15)

Say Knight, Gracie: More sports mascot dingbattery (5/14/15)

Campaign Canards: Don't fall for these electoral fallacies (4/30/15)

Thrifty Lefties?: Media fret over missile defense waste (4/21/15)

Sister Apple? Oh, Brother!: Abortion harms the living, too (3/30/15)

Warped Powers Act: Does Obama need Congress or not? (3/16/15)

Casus Belly: Gov't will dictate our eating habits (2/27/15)

Who Killed Comedy?: Liberals, and not by accident (2/17/15)

Balloon-ey!: Vatican takes wrong lesson from dove attack (1/31/15)

Personhood-winked: "Animal rights" are anti-human (1/19/15)

The Mystery "Our": Whose values are the Dems talking about? (12/30/14)

Gone With The WMD: Recalling the fleeting facts about Iraq (11/26/14)

Reprieve Of Destruction: Global warming can't just "pause" (10/13/14)

Freedom From Truth: FFRF is beyond all reason (9/19/14)

Don't Gimme An "N": "Redskins" is nothing like the "N-word" (8/31/14)

No Worries For O: The tragedy of liberal tranquility (8/17/14)

Incomparable Liars: Abortion does not equal health (7/20/14)

Beck To Differ: No, Glenn, liberals were never right on Iraq (7/9/14)

Barack Obama Wuz Here: We're living a Bugs Bunny cartoon (6/27/14)

Not So Swift: Libs use U.S. military as a pejorative (6/15/14)

The Worst That Can Happen Is You, Sec. Kerry (5/31/14)

Bent Amendment: Justice Stevens can't shoot straight (5/15/14)

Vocabulary Fraud: Obama denies by redefinition (4/22/14)

NATO No More: One for all and all for naught (3/30/14)

Costas In Context: His critics owe no apologies (3/14/14)

Polluted Minds: Greenies think nature is bad for itself (2/27/14)

Bye, Fidelity: Law, shmaw, says Sotomayor (2/13/14)

The Stepford Voters: Dems see women as devices (1/30/14)

The Devil's Due: Satanic monument is inevitable (1/16/14)

Speech KO'd: The perils of legislating against hate (12/31/13)

Kerry's Baggage: Why has it gone uninspected? (11/30/13)

Obama's Bad Lie: But the rest are OK, apparently (11/10/13)

Headbanger Ball: Is "Rams" an acceptable team name? (10/18/13)

Hush Over The Hub: NSA foes fall silent on Obamacare (9/23/13)

Amnesty Family Values: More Saul stories from the Left (8/31/13)

Nine For ESPN: Questions about Title IX they won't answer (8/11/13)

Beck's Penalty Box: Bachmann needn't feel shame (7/27/13)

Liberal Little Caesars: To the Left, the law is optional (7/17/13)

Forever Filibustering: Wendy Davis shows no substance (6/30/13)

Rand Sullies Fourth: Paul's bill is just plain wrong (6/16/13)

The Empty Chair II: Imagining an Eastwood-Obama sequel (5/31/13)

Blueprints For Bias: Media style guides censor the truth (5/16/13)

History Of Horrors: Gosnell trial reveals nothing new (4/30/13)

O's Daddy Problem: Fathers matter, but they don't, he says (4/17/13)

Buchanan At The Bat: 3 strikes on Iraq, and Pat's out (3/29/13)

Truth To VAWA: Libs wink at violence against women (3/14/13)

(D)-Nial: National debt, and other right-wing fantasies (2/28/13)

Who's Minding The Military?: Obama abandons his post (2/15/13)

Two-Bibles Barack: O's inaugural oath overkill (1/31/13)

"Revenue" Redefined: Libs abuse another innocent word (1/17/13)

Sleight Of Arms: Liberals' anti-gun pincer movement (12/31/12)

The Bright Side Of Hell: Obama's win has its good points (11/19/12)

Obama's $4 Trillion Tale: The deficit is not cumulative (10/30/12)

Detail & The Donkey: Obama skates on specifics (10/15/12)

Mitt's Off: Stop conceding the character issue (9/30/12)

Sandra Fluke's America: War on women, by whom? (9/16/12)

Akin To Akin: The biologically ignorant Sen. Boxer (8/23/12)

The Wimp Factory: Dems mass-produce wussy nominees (8/13/12)

You Didn't Fil-A That: Chicken fight is only round one (7/31/12)

General Welfare Fraud: Roberts creates a tax loophole (7/4/12)

An MSNBC Transcript of Lincoln's Historic Speeches (6/25/12)

An Open Letter to Bottom Dollar Foods (6/14/12)

Neither Honest Nor Injun: Another liberal living a lie (5/30/12)

Pondering People Pills: Don't think it can't happen here (5/15/12)

Windy City Madman: Nuge meets Obama "truth squad" (4/30/12)

Extended Terms: Libs stretch the letter of the law (4/16/12)

Outrage Outage: Why Solyndra fails to spark anger (3/31/12)

Only Human: When "person" is a subjective term (3/13/12)

Defense Vs. Dependency: "Safety net" isn't so safe (2/29/12)

Occupy Pipers: Where tolerating treason has led us (2/16/12)

That's Why We Have a Bill of Rights, Dr. Paul (1/30/12)

Bubba Takes The Cake: At last, the Clinton Legacy (1/15/12)

O's Gun Show: Fast & Furious = Bowling for Columbine (12/26/11)

We've Been Had: Reagan's words have gone unheeded (11/30/11)

Sour Mash, Bitter Man: or, Hit the road, Jack Daniel's (11/20/11)

The Second Man: Libs reveal their anti-truth bias (10/30/11)

Orator Overrated: Ranking Obama's worst speeches (9/30/11)

Label Them Liberal: No Labels, no honesty, no guts (9/17/11)

State Of Inebriation: PA tries to hold its liquor (8/24/11)

Ella's End Run: HHS decree makes you pay for abortion (8/10/11)

Starve The Swarms: or be devoured by gov't gluttony (7/30/11)

The "Reason" Excuse: FFRF practices political religion (7/13/11)

Unmisrememberizing Dubya: GOP should reclaim GWB (6/26/11)

Mattel Lacks Mettle: Another victim of liberal "dialogue" (6/14/11)

Tying One On: "Green Ribbon Schools" defy sobriety (5/29/11)

Petulance: Animal ethicists are just more liberal killjoys (5/16/11)

Totalitarianism For Tots: School lunches are just a start (4/28/11)

HRC-ing Things: Making a mountain out of Hillary (4/14/11)

Inexact Science: Liberals' words reveal their ignorance (3/28/11)

Karljacked: Rove's attack against Palin is petty (3/9/11)

MoveOn Ron: Time to stop humoring Rep. Paul (2/20/11)

Gosnell's Guardians: Philly killer had plenty of help (2/10/11)

Rare, As In Bloody: Abortion booms in blue states (1/27/11)

Wussy, Heal Thyself: Rendell's rant misses the point (1/8/11)

Total WMD-nial: No amount of evidence is ever enough (12/30/10)

Another Ameripology: Obama sends regrets to UNHRC (11/25/10)

The Fatwa Earth Society: Keeping the greenies in line (11/1/10)

Obama In Orbit: Prez views USA from a distance (10/11/10)

Hating Humanity: Is your child the next James Lee? (9/17/10)

Stem Cell Snake Oil: Dems deceive the disabled (9/1/10)

O, Really?: Obama invents an Islamic-American past (8/20/10)

Compact Trash: Nix the National Popular Vote (8/4/10)

Beyond Presumptuous: Assuming a BP-Lockerbie link (7/18/10)

Nincompassion: Lockerbie snafu weakens the West (7/12/10)

Busybodies, Lazy Minds: Obama declares war on sloth (6/30/10)

Weighing Anger: Obama's contrived combustibility (6/13/10)

Vacancy On The Court: Liberals need no credentials (5/31/10)

Megyn A Weak Case: Fox's Kelly defends Ginsburg (5/19/10)

Donkey Schoen: Dems' Nazi charge gives foes ammo (5/9/10)

Freeload Riders: EU calls vacations a human right (4/29/10)

Insidious Incorporation: No need to "extend" gun rights (4/15/10)

A Choice Example: In defense of killing children (3/10/10)

Ain't VAT A Shame: A tea party told-you-so on taxes (2/23/10)

Time Bandit: Obama's shifty and cynical ciphering (2/9/10)

Dukes Of Death: Title IX rules ravage Duquesne (1/28/10)

"O" Is No "W": Presidential critics are worlds apart (1/20/10)

Red Kennedys: Honoring Commies in JFK's name (1/6/10)

Useless Emitters: Greenies endanger "non-persons" (12/19/09)

Eat Your Mush: ... or start resisting eco-tyranny (11/30/09)

Mean Word Things: Rush isn't the drive-bys' only target (11/15/09)

A Little Bit Country: The Dems diminish patriotism (10/25/09)

G20-Baggers: The Left's lower standard of conduct (10/5/09)

Dowdy Doody: Columnist puts on a puppet show (9/21/09)

Honduran Hypocrisy: Libs oppose court-ordered coup (8/31/09)

Sotomayorphosis: The judge's con job conversion (8/12/09)

Pennies From Heaven: Gov't prizes are a pittance (8/2/09)

Ginsburg Howls: Madam Justice's inhumanity slips (7/15/09)

Dual-Use Dupes: Forfeiting the WMD debate, again (7/5/09)

Miranda V. America: Obama wages Warren terror (6/16/09)

Less Is Morbid: Socialized medicine kills by design (5/31/09)

Red Zone Menace: Congress threatens the BCS (5/14/09)

Making A Socia-List: It's not hard, Rep. Bachus (4/26/09)

Uighur The World: Obama proposes to aid terrorists (4/13/09)

A Voter-Caused Disaster: Napolitano omits our enemies (3/24/09)

Out "O" Touch: Obama's aloofness on display (3/11/09)

Obama's Success Story, or Saving Jobs Made Easy (2/24/09)

The Trans-Former VP: What's behind Gore #2? (2/10/09)

FOCA Hocus Pocus: Obama's impossible abortion promise (1/25/09)

Well, Egg-Shoes Me!: Presidents, projectiles and the press (1/10/09)

"Pro"-Bull: Abortionists' indefensibility defense (12/23/08)

Apocalypse, No: Farm freebies don't foretell doom (12/1/08)

Obama's Oath of Office, extended version (11/16/08)

Sorry, Chris, You're Being Insipid (10/28/08)

"Vice" Versa: If Biden's answer had been Palin's (10/14/08)

Refundable-oney: Tax credits are not tax cuts (9/29/08)

Worst Mates: Biden's a better bad pick than Hillary (9/16/08)

First-Class Demagogues: Populist Left shifts allegiances (8/28/08)

Barack Obama's A Series Of Fortunate Events (8/12/08)

Saddam's Invisible Tape: Another case of WM-nesia (7/26/08)

Obama Fails Detest: Speech excuses America-haters (7/14/08)

Political Palooka: Obama gags on Gitmo question (6/25/08)

They Mean To Bug Ya: Greenies promote entomophagy (6/11/08)

Polar Opposites: Bears now more equal than people (5/31/08)

The Jolly Green Giant's Senate Testimony: 5/14/08)

Coyle Strikes Again: Missile shield skeptic rattles on (4/30/08)

Smoking Something: War critics are comfortably numb (4/16/08)

Stars, Stripes and Scoundrels: Dems use flag as fig leaf (3/31/08)

Men Of Still: Liberals live in fear of change (3/19/08)

A Delegate Situation: Parties exercise no self-control (2/29/08)

Political Risk: Territorial gains spread GOP thin (2/16/08)

Damn You, Sam I Am: Our bellies, our choice (1/31/08)

Polish Removers: Dem election prospects repel allies (1/16/08)

Words Of War: Ron Paul misses the point, as usual (12/31/07)

The Ferrous Doctrine: Just one kook, that's all it took (12/14/07)

Crude Awakening: Dems make the case for drilling (11/30/07)

Only Children: Who cares if the prez is pro-life? (11/17/07)

He's Putin Us On: Vlad's comparison misses the mark (10/30/07)

Give Harry Hell: Open season on the unpatriotic (10/15/07)

The Unknowables: Facts that can't possibly be (9/30/07)

Hogan's Zeros: United, we stand for nothing (9/15/07)

Elian And Saul: A "pro-immigrant" puzzler (8/29/07)

Vacated Memory: Anti-W media forget about Bill (8/15/07)

Beauchamp Mirrors Glass: New Republic, same old story (7/30/07)

Those Damn Eskimos: Let's fight the real enemy (7/12/07)

The Wee Stooges: Libs use children as dupes (6/30/07)

A Cetacean Citation: Two perps and a porpoise (6/15/07)

Reid The Reaper: Dems plan Iraq Awakening's wake (5/30/07)

Rudy Goes Judge-Mental: Cross-dressing act is wearing thin (5/13/07)

Uncool Ghouls: Why abortionists are dying out (4/29/07)

Obama's Arrogance: Senator cites self, instead of the law (4/11/07)

Anatomy of a Bush Administration Scandal (3/27/07)

Guys Vs. Gaia: Enviros want to extinguish manhood (3/14/07)

Missile Bites Dog: Media unfazed by the unexpected (2/28/07)

Civil Serpents: Beware of snakes bearing "liberties" (2/15/07)

They Were Expendable: What Roe has told America's youth (1/31/07)

Tricky Ahnuld: Schwarzenegger mimics hero Nixon (1/15/07)

Breyer's Lyin' Eyes: Justice sees only what he wants to (12/30/06)

Chemic Relief: Destroying our WMD should be easy (12/15/06)

Sorry, France: We have no room to laugh (12/1/06)

We Just Don't Get It: The elusive humor of treason (11/20/06)

California Quagmire: or How to create more squirrels (10/27/06)

Plame N' Liberals: Why fake victims are the best kind (9/28/06)

In Saddam We Trust: A tyrant's denials are now "proof" (9/11/06)

Tainted And Stained: The Clinton Legacy and HIV (8/26/06)

Infertile Minds: Behold the voices of "science" (8/11/06)

Chimps And Salsa: Spain joins the anti-human movement (7/23/06)

Kay-O'd On WMD: The chief inspector takes a dive (7/10/06)

Dick Cheney Was Right: Defeatists owe VP an apology (6/26/06)

Tree-Dumb Reigns: Eco-arrogance on exhibit (6/12/06)

Who's Who?: Media confuse allies with enemies (5/26/06)

Wrongo, Sandy Baby: Independence is not omnipotence (5/18/06)

Accomplished Liars: Libs fib about W's Iraq speech (5/9/06)

Stupid Petrol Tricks: Dems feign pity for consumers (4/30/06)

Donkey Kongs: Dems' chest-beating is all noise (4/13/06)

O'Contraire: Why Jimmy Carter is worse than Bill Clinton (3/30/06)

Eighty-Sixing 1836: Why isn't "Houston" offensive too? (3/15/06)

One Dangerous Feller: Senator wants no secrets (3/2/06)

She Can't Be Serious: Hillary's inane war analysis (2/17/06)

Ap-poll-ing!: Media celebrate their own failings (2/4/06)

Of Bums And Babies: Why Scalia's wrong on Roe (1/24/06)

That's All Hoax: Dems are singing looney tunes (1/13/06)

Armoring al-Qaeda: Should U.S. borders shield the enemy? (12/31/05)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Murtha's mush, tree wars, Kelo, etc. (12/11/05)

Nit-Pigging: Brits go hog-wild with sensitivity (11/21/05)

Bubba's Big Break: Ex-prez demands huge tax giveaway (10/31/05)

Good News Is No News: The daily blackout from Iraq (10/14/05)

"Reparsing" Abortion, Again: This time, it's "personal" (9/21/05)

Hagel & Jeckel: Chattering anti-war magpies (8/28/05)

Dead Precedents: "Living constitution" yields stillborn rulings (8/8/05)

Groveling Old Party: "Sorry strategy" is self-defeating (7/17/05)

Definiphobia: Liberals fear the meaning of patriotism (7/4/05)

Durbin and Durbiner: The senator's rant is nothing new (6/18/05)

Era Superiority?: Secularists sneer at B.C. & A.D. (6/11/05)

Serial Bull: Quran story fits template too neatly (5/26/05)

The Disappear-Ring: How "privacy" protects the Left (5/18/05)

Asi-IX: OCR survey sets off hysteria (4/30/05)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: The Duelfer Report, bow ties, filibusters, etc. (4/22/05)

Adverse Diversity: PSA wrongly defends bilingualism (4/11/05)

Finding Nino: Where Scalia stands on unenumerated rights (3/6/05)

Like, Whatever: Libs specialize in specious comparisons (2/23/05)

Whigging Out: Dems follow defunct parties' paths (2/10/05)

Le Pig And Le Pen: Why Michael Moore doesn't live in France (1/22/05)

Stop Accelerated Density, Now! (1/12/05)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Dick Morris, Ernie & Bert, MLS, etc. (12/31/04)

Mengele On The Monongahela: Pitt monkeys with embryonic life (12/20/04)

Blue Away: Dems plan post-election exodus (11/29/04)

Marring Marriage: Can what Edwards says be right? (10/21/04)

Unfriendly Persuasion: Kerry's diplomacy has failed already (9/30/04)

McGreevey's Lethal Legacy: Cloning law is his true scandal (9/6/04)

Kerry's Box Of Mystery: Does even he know what's inside? (8/12/04)

What Defines WMD?: Semantics, not weapons, prove elusive (7/31/04)

Shots Were Fired: USSR fell because it was knocked down (7/17/04)

Monumental Mistakes: Leave "weeeeellll" enough alone (6/30/04)

The Gipper Has Spoken: Don't kill embryos on his account (6/16/04)

Castro At 140: It's not as far off as you think (5/29/04)

"Dis Iz Wahw!": No more coddling disloyal Democrats (5/15/04)

Pecking Pickering: Feminists slap judge with race card (4/30/04)

Connecting Smoke Rings: James Pinkerton huffs and puffs (4/15/04)

Don't Feed The Judges: No need for a marriage amendment (3/31/04)

John F. & The "L" Word: 50 ways to learn you're a liberal (3/16/04)

The Constitution in Black and White (2/28/04)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Carbs, WMD, Germannibals, etc. (2/10/04)

Stone Cold-Hearted: November Gang admits to killing babies (1/31/04)

Penned In: Suddenly, redistricting is unfair (1/13/04)

The Anti-Claus: Molly Ivins wants to raid your stockings (12/23/03)

An Electoral Con Game: Dems alienate the law-abiding (12/2/03)

Vague Concerns: Pro-abortionists are selectively obtuse (11/03/03)

Doomed By Design: Scientists make self-destructive embryos (10/18/03)

The Jellyphants: Invertebrate GOP abandons Miguel Estrada (9/19/03)

Green, With Envy: No "smoking gun" needed to attack the U.S. (8/15/03)

Franken's Fraud: Is the Left this desperate for a hero? (8/31/03)

The Mother Load: Real news buried under phony scandal (7/30/03)

Blame The Pierogies: Randall Simon is not responsible (7/12/03)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Bad baseball, Spike Lee, Belgians, etc. (6/27/03)

Assault Weapon Psychics: Dems say you can't be trusted (6/16/03)

The Tangled Web of Roe: Pro-aborts haunted by evasive past (5/30/03)

Deep Throat's Progeny: Jayson Blair is only a symptom (5/16/03)

Cabin of Cards: Santorum's critics should explain themselves (4/30/03)

The Me-First Amendment: Courts remain hooked on feelings (4/17/03)

Awedballs: Iraqi war will produce many losers (4/1/03)

Strapped!: Pennsylvanians bound by car seat junk science (3/14/03)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Crow droppings, the WNBA, liberal Lincoln, etc. (3/5/03)

Saddam's Stooges: Human shields know they're siding with evil (2/18/03)

Our Gang: Euro-8 takes a stand with the USA (2/9/03)

Winslow Responds: Kellen Sr. challenges Shinbone's veracity (1/28/03)

Choice Words: NARAL expunges abortion from its title (1/16/03)

Blood-n-Guts Clinton: Confessions of a latent pugilist (12/31/02)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Dixiecrats, Jesusmobiles, sheep, etc. (12/18/02)

Oregon's Run: Death-care system defeated, for now (11/29/02)

All An Act: Dems assault voting rights (11/5/02)

The Silly Party: Dems have nothing serious to say (10/15/02)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Qatar, Gerber babies, celestial obesity, etc. (9/24/02)

A Paper Tiger Trap: NCWO feminists need a villain (8/31/02)

Hillary's Rehnquisition: Dems redefine "judicial activism" (8/10/02)

Down The ICC Slope: New court nothing like Nuremburg (7/27/02)

The Plane Truth: Shoe-bomber charge wrongly dismissed (7/12/02)

America's Enemies' List: 70 names you need to remember (6/29/02)

Stream Of Con: Dems drift from one smear to another (6/8/02)

Fraction Man: Jimmy Carter cuts himself down to size (5/19/02)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Martyrdom, Fighting Whities, electric rats, etc. (5/8/02)

Christians Need Not Apply: Stanford's exclusive "diversity" (4/19/02)

Title IX, Sanity 0: Ambiguous law castrates college sports (04/07/02)

Home Free? Think Again: Property taxes are anti-American (3/22/02)

Cranial Tumbleweeds: Zimbabwe, Paula Jones, Olympic hockey, etc. (3/8/02)

They See NUTH-thing: "Pro-choicers" can't handle the truth (3/1/02)

Holy Smokescreen: Clone creators hide behind religion (2/21/02)

The Nerve of "The People": Collectives don't have rights (2/7/02)

The Aestheticrats: Ugly business banned in Pittsburgh (1/21/02)

Rag Of The Year: Annual issue a waste of Time (1/9/02)

The Cigarette Stick-Up: Punitive taxes are pure cruelty (12/26/01)

Boo, Hillary!: Sen. Clinton deserves no sympathy (11/26/01)

A Species Of One?: The anti-human politics of endangerment (11/18/01)

Revive The Line-Item Veto: ... and this time, do it right (10/28/01)

No Defense: Our national priorities are scandalous (10/5/01)

Don't Believe The Hype: The enemy's resolve is overstated (9/17/01)

The I-Word: How national interests became taboo (8/27/01)

W For Wobbly: Bush bollixes stem cell decision (8/12/01)

Blind Science: The un-ethics of "extra" embryos (7/20/01)

Castro's Court Jesters: U.S. media eager to please El Jefe (7/8/01)

Pigmented Pigskin: Washington too white for Winslow (6/18/01)

Why The GOP Left Jeffords: "Progressives" are stuck in the past (6/8/01)

A Dopey Decision: 8-0 ruling allows amendment by statute (5/24/01)

The ABM Treaty Trick: '72 deal died when the USSR did (5/10/01)

Howard Hughes Would Be Proud: Arsenic scare is sheer madness (4/24/01)

Bush Bars the ABA: ...and it is a bar, bar better thing (4/9/01)

The Giving Dead: Extortion disguised as philanthropy (3/25/01)

Eminem Is From Mars: ... and so are the people who love him (3/6/01)

Plum Loco: FDA holds veto power over reality (2/17/01)

Just Typical: Let history remember the Clintons' last days (2/9/01)

Human Weeds and Witches: Abortion advocates in their own little worlds (1/17/01)

What's In A Team Name?: Revolution, if you're a college liberal (12/26/00)

AL GORE DEFEETED! (12/18/00)

May + Shall = Can't: A fuzzy math word problem (12/14/00)

"Living" Election Laws: The Blob descends on Florida (11/26/00)

Thwarting the Will of the Stupid: Ballot culturally biased against Democrats (11/19/00)

Is That A Fact?: Gore loses debates on pointless statements (10/27/00)

A Sad Condimentary: Hold the pickles ... as exhibit A (10/17/00)

A Rough Draft of Al Gore's Resume (9/18/00)

Bill & Al's Risky Scheme: You're a waste, says the prez (8/23/00)

Hey Joe: Some questions for the Senate's "moral compass" (8/9/00)

Left on the Bench: Justice again abandoned by Supreme Court (7/18/00)

Oh, The Humanity: A prominent liberal says foreigners aren't people (6/22/00)

Enough Already, Mrs. Cosby: America is not to blame (5/31/00)

Move Over, Al: The old master shows how it's done (5/14/00)

Washing Our Hands of Elian: Lazy minds abet another villain (4/30/00)

Glorifying the Butchers: Hypocrites praise Cider House Rules (4/7/00)

Disarming the Poor: Self-defense may soon be a luxury (3/12/2000)

The Voting Rights Hoax: Racial scaremongers collide (3/2/00)

Helpless Hillary: A weak campaign by a weak woman (2/19/00)

Those Nice Moderates: "Tisk, tisk," says the RLC (1/22/00)

Aborted Conscience: Factory of lies runs frantically on (1/12/00)

Bum Worship: How liberals politicize religion (12/18/99)

Bill Clinton's New Year's Resolutions (12/3/99)

It's Not Unusual: 8th Amendment ok's Old Sparky (11/20/99)

Outcomes-Based Hockey: Has the NHL gone sensitive? (10/17/99)

Common Criminals: FALN convicts are just plain folks (10/3/99)

The Libertarian Lie: Deterrence works, and they know it (8/22/99)

The Real Iowa Straw Poll Results (8/17/99)

Celling Out: The tainted ethics of the NBAC (7/24/99)


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