Posted on August 28, 2024




Is anyone buying the Democrats' happy talk?


Daniel Clark



In case you are fortunate enough to have missed it, the theme of this year's Democratic National Convention was "joy." If you find that unconvincing, there are very good reasons why. The truth be known, there is more joy even in Mudville than there is in the Democratic Party, which is comprised largely of godless wonks who view every aspect of each of our lives as another one of their own managerial problems. Obviously, part of the reason they chose this upbeat message was to minimize the negative impact of the nervous, situationally inappropriate laughter for which their presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, is known. We are now expected to believe the reason for it is that she is an optimistic can-do candidate who simply cannot contain her joy.

Yukking it up with her at the convention was Tim Walz, the man who has been given the vice presidential nomination by his party because the other guy was too Jewish. The presence of a Jew on the ticket would never have been tolerated by the Hamas supporters who are becoming an increasingly influential faction of the Democrat coalition. Mind you, these hateful, anti-American terrorist sympathizers are not nearly the majority in their party. Most of the others merely feel compelled to placate them, for the sake of political expediency. What a rollicking funhouse a convention hall filled with such people must be.

Democrats are often at their most mirthful when they tell us that the earth is in the process of being destroyed by human prosperity. Their solution is to make us less prosperous, by imposing an endless series of deprivations. In order to "save the planet," they tell us we can't have cars that run in hot or cold weather, household appliances that work, toilets that flush, plastic grocery bags or red meat. Furthermore, they scold us for creating things that used to be known as natural disasters, telling us that hurricanes, wildfires and blizzards are all our fault!

Another cheerful message of theirs is that America is not only systemically racist, but irredeemably so. That last part relieves them of the expectation that they actually identify and repair any flawed parts of the system. Instead, they get to have oodles of fun publicly brooding over the matter, picking historical scabs, pitting people against each other, and teaching children to harbor irrational feelings of guilt and hostility.

Never are Democrats more gleeful than when they instigate class warfare, telling everybody who will listen that people are helplessly trapped in stratified socioeconomic classes, and that the only way to improve one's own situation is to tear down somebody else. What fun they have inciting resentment against bogeymen like the "privileged" or the "one-percenters," as they did in the Occupy movement during the Obama years.

They champion the concept of "equity," which Harris defines as the desired circumstance under which "we all end up at the same place." Well, no problem, then. All we need is a government that is powerful enough to dictate the paths of all of our lives. Once it has crushed our natural ambition and ingenuity, and turned life into a monotonous, demoralizing, meaningless slog, then we will be in paradise. The realization that there's nothing we can do that really matters can be quite liberating, if you sit down and think about it, while stoned.

It is only consistent with this nihilistic way of thinking that much of the jocularity around the Democratic Convention consisted of a celebration of the killing of innocents. The festivities began with a gaggle of feminist rattlenoggins parading around in abortion pill costumes labeled "MIFE" for mifepristone and "MISO" for misoprostol, because if you're a good Democrat, you and those lethal drugs are on a first-name basis.

It wouldn't be long before the real things made an appearance, with Planned Parenthood sending a drive-by abortion truck to the event to distribute the pills. By the end of the convention, the organization was believed to have flushed away 25 tiny human beings (sorry, "pregnancies"). In its instructions for the do-it-yourself procedure, PP explains, "It's normal to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon)." What happy people they must be, to find such a thing to be normal.

A restaurant called The Wiener's Circle whimsically offered a free frankfurter to anyone who had visited the mobile death dispensary. Who in the world could possibly want to go to the abortion hot dog shop, you might wonder. Why, joyful Democrats, of course.




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