Posted on June 30, 2021



Soupy "Suppression"

Dems redefine yet another word


Daniel Clark



To hear the Democrats and therefore the news media tell it, there is no such thing as voter fraud. Republicans only maintain the illusion of its existence as a pretext for their own voter suppression efforts.

The conservative Heritage Foundation maintains a database of voter fraud cases from around the country. As of this writing, it has catalogued 1,328 documented cases of fraud, 1,143 of which have resulted in convictions, over roughly two decades. That's not a very large number, but consider that these are only the cases that have been seen through to their conclusion. One thing we don't know is how many times more are never prosecuted, but here's a hint. In 2018, the last year that Republican Bruce Rauner served as governor of Illinois, there were 12 voter fraud convictions in that state. Ever since Democrat J.B. Pritzker replaced Rauner in January 2019, there have been zero. Just because Democrats choose not to prosecute for voter fraud does not mean they've rendered it nonexistent.

What really doesn't exist in 21st Century America is voter suppression. If 1,328 doesn't sound like many, try asking the Justice Department's Office of Civil Rights to produce 1,328 people who were eligible and registered to vote but denied the right to do so. It couldn't even produce a single one. To "suppress" is to "put down by authority or force." It does not mean making something slightly less convenient than it otherwise might have been. Nobody in this country is putting down people's ability to vote by authority or force. In the parlance of our times, voter suppression is not a thing.

Try looking up the list of "forms of voter suppression" published by the Voting Rights Alliance, an affiliation of left-wing activist groups including the National Organization for Women, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, and the Hip Hop Caucus (no, really!). The examples include voter ID laws, elimination or reduction of early voting, elimination of same-day registration, the purging of inactive voters from voting rolls, proof of citizenship laws, "lack of language-accessible materials" (meaning not in English), laws that prevent ex-cons from voting, signature verification, and the absence of a straight-party voting option from the ballot.

None of these things prevents eligible, registered voters from voting. If you are unwilling to identify yourself, can't be bothered to vote in person on Election Day, neglect to register before Election Day, or allow your registration to lapse due to inactivity, you have not had your vote suppressed. Voting simply is not that difficult a thing to do. It's not hard to vote. It's not hard to register to vote. It's not hard to acquire a photo ID. It's not hard to obtain an absentee ballot. Everybody who's eligible to vote, and wants to vote, can vote.

According to the Democratic Party linguists (and yes, they do have those), "suppression" no longer means to put down by authority or force. "Voter suppression" now means anything that requires a modicum of effort or forethought on the part of the voter. If a state requires that people either vote on Election Day or else by absentee ballot, that is now defined as a deprivation of voting rights, even though it does not prevent anybody from voting who is eligible.

Knowing that ignorant, apathetic people vote overwhelmingly for their party, the Democrats have done everything they can think of to reduce this civic obligation to an involuntary muscular action akin to belching. Don't want to wait until Election Day? They'll fix it so you can vote at your convenience for months beforehand. Don't want to go to the polls? Just mail your vote in. There's no need to even go to the mailbox, because a helpful Democrat will come to your door and deliver your vote to one of the many drop-boxes that have been made available. If you need him to help you fill out your ballot while he's at it, who's to know?

The Democrats and their friends from Silicon Valley would ultimately like to make voting as mindless as liking a post on social media. If you like a disapproved candidate, they might give you a popup asking, "Are you sure?" If you obediently vote straight-party for their side, they could set your vote to auto-renew. Even with those technological advances, they'd still maintain their tried and true methods, of course. They wouldn't have much choice. The way they've redefined things, ending the practice of bribing bums with cigarettes just might be a form of voter suppression.



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