Posted on October 30, 2023



Exhibit Eh

The Canadian govt becomes a serial killer


Daniel Clark



At a time when everyone is making a show of sensitivity toward people with mental health problems, our neighbors to north have come up with a typically compassionate liberal solution: kill them.

In one of the most repulsively cutesy acronyms ever devised, Canada named its 2016 assisted suicide law Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID), presenting itself as a service to the people it kills. Under this law, as originally passed, assisted suicide was allowed for subjects who had "grievous and irremediable medical conditions," and for whom natural death was "reasonably foreseeable." The second of these requirements was repealed in a revision that was passed in 2021. According to the Canadian Department of Justice, this dramatic expansion was proposed after receiving feedback from "stakeholders," an explanation which begs the questions, how can a person be a stakeholder in another person's death, and why in the world should such a person be listened to?

This revised law called for an "expert review" within three years, to determine whether mental illness should be allowed as a justification for physician-assisted suicide. The review was completed as required this past March, and the outcome should surprise nobody. Canadians who are perfectly physically healthy but depressed have become eligible to be snuffed out by an agent of the state. Parliamentary conservatives tried to reverse this guidance legislatively, but on October 18th, their bill was defeated.

It may be easy to dismiss the usual slippery slope arguments, but this is more like a slippery elevator shaft. Seven years ago, the initiative was supposedly motivated by a desire to end the suffering of people who were already dying, and today it is no longer necessary to have a terminal illness, while "grievous and irremediable" has been made subjective to the point of being meaningless. Anecdotal evidence, related in an article of Spectator magazine, suggests that Canadians are now being euthanized because of depression that has been brought on by poverty. Almost inevitably, social concerns, and not just medical ones, are being used to justify the ending of human lives.

Those elastic standards are reflected in the increasing frequency with which the program is being utilized. In 2022, one in every 25 Canadian deaths was MAID-assisted. That's a long way from a misguided attempt to ease suffering in a handful of extreme cases. In a society that is overmedicated and overdiagnosed, who could not be considered depressed during certain periods of his life? Who among us does not "suffer" in one way or another?

For centuries, when somebody attempted suicide, Western civilization operated under the presumption that the person really wanted to live, and was only crying out for help. Progressive states like Belgium, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Vermont, Colorado, Oregon, and of course Canada have taken a more enlightened approach. Wanna be dead? They'll help you be dead. They're not bound by any outdated Judeo-Christian ethics. Besides, people who need help are burdensome.

This may seem to be of little consequence to libertarians, who tend to see the issue as a matter of personal freedom. It isn't really that, however, because MAID is not available to everybody. To qualify, one must submit a written request, which must then be approved by two medical practitioners. There is no "right to die"; there is only permission from the state. If a Canadian's life is deemed by government stakeholders not to be worth living, then (wink, wink) that person qualifies for "assistance."

Euthanasia may often be sold using the lexicon of libertarianism, but in reality it is the ultimate subordination of the individual to the collective. It was no less an authority than Hemlock Society founder Derek Humphry who coined the phrase "duty to die" in reference to assisted suicide, which he proposed as "one method of cost containment." No wonder the voting on MAID has broken down so distinctly along party lines, with Liberal Party members voting pro-euthanasia and Conservatives voting against it. To the Liberals, human beings are little more than figures in a ledger, to be considered managerial problems for the central authority. If you are adversely affecting the bottom line, then you are expected to do your duty.

These days, people are celebrated for acknowledging that they have "mental health issues," even if those are typical human problems that people cope with all the time. The phrase has been so deliberately misrepresented by this point that it has come to mean everything and nothing. We're not supposed to recognize that anything is wrong with someone who has such profound mental health problems that he rejects his own identity, and constructs a whole fantasy life based on his being someone he's objectively not. On the other hand, if a tennis player doesn't feel like playing tennis today, that's a mental health issue, about which we are obligated to wring our hands and ritually declare our awareness.

By the time the whole MAID concept creeps its way down to Washington and infects our federal laws, what percentage of us will officially be on record as having mental health issues, and how might this affect the way we're treated when we seek medical care? Would we only be able to receive assistance in dying by explicitly requesting it, or is it something that would be offered to us, perhaps forcefully so, and to the exclusion of treatments that might actually be helpful? "It says here on your chart that you have a history of mental health issues, that you are impoverished and uneducated, and that you do not belong to The Party. We have just the thing for that."

In Michael Moore's 1995 attempted comedy Canadian Bacon, the Marxist filmmaker emphasized the points that Canada is a socialistic country that provides universal healthcare, and that Canadians are uniformly innocent and pleasant, suggesting by juxtaposition that the first thing has got something to do with the second. Whatever positive attributes the Canadian people may have, they surely possessed them long before their country turned so sharply to the political left. Moore made it appear that the Canadians would have no problems in the world if not for the misfortune of sharing a border with us cantankerous Americans. Contrary to his cartoonish portrayal, Canadians are human beings, who face the same kinds of adversities in life as anyone else. Many of them are even depressed. Perhaps not for long, though.



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